"We still have to learn how to live peacefully, not only with our fellow men but also with nature and, above all, with those Higher Powers which have made nature and have made us. "
- E.F. Schumacher
The QuakerGreen project seeks to explore and create ways to increase environmental consciousness while working
towards global peace.
The QuakerGreen project began in the United States in late 2008
as a Christian ministry of stewardship, through a Quaker perspective, whereby education and resources about climate
change and sustainable living could be
offered to the public through modern mediums of technology which includes this web site which will feature
pod casts and online videos in the future.
The QuakerGreen Project produced its web site in 2009, www.QuakerGreen.org. It is under ongoing development and is
dedicated to the work of the Lord and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
This site will be used to collect and share resources
related to climate change, green living, sustainability, green purchasing and more.
We will
be hosting web conferences to encourage awareness and global participation and interchange of ideas.
We have created this web site to provide people a place to visit and view videos and resources
without having secular
advertisements and worldly video recommendations imposed upon them - the content of which we have no
control over and many of which can be offensive to Christians and especially unsuited to children.
We are running this site with no commercial ads what-so-ever for that reason; this site is an alternative
viewing/dedicated space to our presence at popular social network sites such as youtube and facebook.
The QuakerGreen Project also includes a wider ecumenical group of
spirit-led Christians responding to the environmental concerns facing the world. People of all faiths
are invited to share their talents and lend their voices as well. We welcome ideas and offers of assistance.